Sun, 07 Jul 2024 Today's Paper

Marc Ruskin
Journalist, Dailymirror Online

India welcomes political resolve in Sri Lanka

16 Dec 2018 - 3     - 4440

India has welcomed the resolution of the political situation in Sri Lanka, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said.

SLBC, media ministry assure unbiased coverage: Speaker’s office

05 Dec 2018 - 0     - 3861

Acting Chairman of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLMC) Dr. Somarathna Dissanayake and Secretary to the Ministry of Mass Media and Information Sunil Hettiarachchi have assured that steps would be taken to provide an unbiased coverage of parliamentary sittings and the current political crisis, Speaker’s Office said.    

Cheeky best man switches place with bride

29 Nov 2018 - 0     - 10423

You are waiting at the end of the isle, you turn around for your first glance at your bride and what do you see?  Your bearded best man and friend, dressed in a white gown, with a delicate lace veil.    

Wasantha Senanayake attends UNF group meeting

26 Nov 2018 - 33     - 13433

Tourism and Wildlife Minister Wasantha Senanayake had attended the United National Front (UNF) group meeting at Temple Trees today, MP Dr. Harsha De Silva said.

Hollywood actress, UNFPA envoy Ashley Judd to visit SL

05 Feb 2018 - 18     - 13518

Hollywood actress and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd would arrive in Sri Lanka next week, the Government Information Department said today.

Authorities to ‘COLLAR’ Tuskers under threat

19 Dec 2017 - 2     - 3601

News of five tuskers being shot dead inside two weeks made headlines in newspapers, thus raising doubts among authorities and....

“Unleashing Problem Solvers” a perfect guide to a disciplined society

21 Sep 2017 - 0     - 1664

The International Schools’ of Sri Lanka (TISSL), which is an association of premier international schools in Sri Lanka, was formed in 2001 with the main aim of fostering good relationships with its 25 member schools.

‘Govigama’ monopoly of presidents and premiers in Sri Lanka

22 Jul 2017 - 0     - 10939

“Ram Nath Kovind was on Thursday declared elected as India’s 14th President polling 65.6% of the vote defeating the Opposition’s joint candidate, former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar, who secured 34% of the vote. Mr. Kovind will be the second Dalit President of India after late President K.R. Narayanan but, more significantly, the first from politically significant Uttar Pradesh and the first person from the BJP to hold the offi

CB Bond issue -- President extends term of PCoI

26 Apr 2017 - 4     - 2616

The term of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) to Investigate the sale of Central Bank bonds has been extended by three months.

Papaya leaf extract as a Dengue cure?

17 Feb 2017 - 0     - 11836

What is this hullabaloo, to say it in colloquial terms about eating leaves. Did Dr. Rohan Wijekoon say the leaves should be eaten raw - No. He wanted the tender leaves cooked or in a form that is eatable. There is nothing wrong, because according to my grandmother, during the 1800’s severe drought, the yams of water lillies were boiled and then tied around the waste and then when they were hungry, these boiled yams were eaten  

Man fleeing from jumbo encounters 'ghost'

16 Feb 2017 - 9     - 16322

One fine night a person was returning home alone after attending a funeral home in the village. After hearing the sound of an approaching elephant he started to shimmy up a tree in panic.

SL war widows face sexual exploitation:CBK

16 Feb 2017 - 9     - 11876

Tamil women who survived Sri Lanka’s civil war now face widespread sexual exploitation by officals in their own community as well as from the army, the head of an ethnic reconciliation body said Wednesday.  

Thewarapperuma injured chasing after cattle thieves

30 Jan 2017 - 20     - 10907

Deputy Minister Palitha Thewarapperuma had injured his leg after falling into a hole while chasing after cattle-rustlers. The Deputy Minister was alerted about a vehicle transporting cattle for slaughter and gave chase. The minister, with the help of several supporters, caught up to the vehicle and intercepted it.

Coal Tenders: Blackening everything it touches

23 Jan 2017 - 0     - 4071

“One million tonnes into 10 USD into 150 rupees, is the loss we, as taxpayers have to bear” said Maithri Gunaratne, the Past Chairman of...

Human rights: The force and the farce

01 Jul 2016 - 0     - 2058

The United Nations Human Rights Council is in session. As expected it is assuming the moral high...  

EDITORIAL : Nations are built by people-power not politicians

01 Jul 2016 - 0     - 2033

More than one and half years after the people’s silent and peaceful revolution of January 8, 2015 major...

SL has come a long way since president’s election in 2015: Swire

01 Jul 2016 - 0     - 1456

Sri Lanka has come a long way since President Sirisena’s election in January 2015. I have been...

Is Prince Al-Hussein’s report a warning?

01 Jul 2016 - 0     - 1333

The report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein...  

Right To Reconciliation: Seven Years On

30 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2741

It is seven years since the end of the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka and yet reconciliation...

Refugees: Feel their pain and hear them weep

24 Jun 2016 - 1     - 1773

Why do some people fear or dislike refugees? Why are they xenophobic? Isn’t harbouring ill-feelings...

EDITORIAL : Lady Widow, arise from the ashes

24 Jun 2016 - 0     - 1672

Yesterday was a special and important day -- the International Widows’ Day intended by the United...

Somawansa and the ethnic problem

24 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2562

Former   Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) leader Somawansa Amarasinghewho passed away last...

Prejudice, Persecution and Violence

24 Jun 2016 - 0     - 1791

All over the world, minorities are under attack. One would expect mass scale migration, wider travel...

Orlando terror: The answer is blowing in the wind

17 Jun 2016 - 0     - 1942

A deranged mind and easy accessibility to guns form a lethal combination.  What has religion got to...

EDITORIAL : Open the gates for the cow

17 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2101

Despite widespread criticism on the failure to reduce the cost of living and prosecute former VIPs...

Implementation of RTI Act, “every public institution will be legally bound to provide information”

17 Jun 2016 - 1     - 2312

The Right to Information Act is to be debated in Parliament on the 23rd June. The subject has been...

What made Wigneswaran ask students to learn Sinhala?

17 Jun 2016 - 1     - 5741

Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran who has been provoking the Southern politicians...

Brexit: Yes or no, European integration at crossroads

10 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2774

A villager in a British colony who knew no English picked up only two words – yes and no. But he did...

EDITORIAL : Muhammad Ali: This was a Man

10 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2913

Tens of thousands of people from all over the world will gather at Louisville in Kentucky today not just...

Jeyalalitha: the Tamil Nadu champion of the Lankan Tamil cause

10 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2242

Northern Province Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran seems to be fond of doing what could be irritating...

Flood Waters Recede, but Women Remain Vulnerable

10 Jun 2016 - 0     - 1878

As the flood waters recede and the supermarkets recover from zealous good Samaritans picking...

Kudiramalai and the buried city

10 Jun 2016 - 0     - 4682

According to ‘Discovering Ceylon,’ a book authored by R.L. Brohier (first published in 1973), there had...

Obama: No big hero in Hiroshima

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 1936

Last Friday in Hiroshima, a hug-and-cry made world headlines when the United States President...  

EDITORIAL : Mr. Wijeratne, buzz off with your traffic tax

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2201

With traffic snarls sounding alarm horns louder than ever before, the National Government has...

Interim committees are a curse in sports

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2139

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC), a profit-making giant back in the day, has been plagued with allegation...

Post-mortem on the Nazeer Ahmed affair in Sampur

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 2622

The controversy over the Eastern Province Chief Minister Hafis Nazeer Ahmed rebuking a naval...

Conveying the message of reconciliation to society through films

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 3311

It was almost midnight when we paused our discussion on the issue of ‘hereditary rights of Sinhala...

Migraine a complex condition with a variety of symptoms: Dr. Ruwani Gunewardane

03 Jun 2016 - 0     - 10212

According to the traditional ayurvedic medicinal practice, migraine is defined as ‘Lalaata Kotara...

G7 and Sri Lanka: The positives and the pitfalls

27 May 2016 - 0     - 4939

The state of the world’s economy, terrorism, the refugee crisis, the uncertainty over Britain’s...

EDITORIAL - Never again Hiroshima

27 May 2016 - 0     - 2015

It was a sinister cloud, an enormous explosion, a terrible flash, a heavy roar. Nothing like it had ever...

Eastern Province Chief loses his cool; Whose ‘protocol’ got out of hand?

27 May 2016 - 0     - 3858

Political ‘misfires’ are seen in abundance irrespective of the regime in power. Recently the Eastern...  

Prisons should be more transparent

27 May 2016 - 0     - 2816

From time immemorial places of detention have been regarded with much skepticism as they were...

Obama has failed on nuclear disarmament

20 May 2016 - 0     - 1996

During the Cold War barely a week went by without some reportage or debate on nuclear weapons...

Help flood victims as a Vesak ‘pinkama’

20 May 2016 - 0     - 2292

With weather patterns becoming unpredictable even with the use of hi-tech equipment, Sri Lanka is...

Comrades then not so now

20 May 2016 - 1     - 3103

The two most prominent veterans of the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have...

The true message of Vesak

20 May 2016 - 0     - 1783

The most significant aspect of Vesak, the Thrice Blessed Day is the enlightenment achieved by the...

The new Pharaoh and the enslaved Palestinians

13 May 2016 - 1     - 3487

Abandoned by Arab regimes and vilified by the pro-Zionist world media, the people of Palestine...  

EDITORIAL : Get the plundered money back

13 May 2016 - 0     - 3499

Amid one of the world’s biggest ever financial scandals revolving round the Panama papers, Briton’s...

Tamilian politics at cross-roads ‘Mind your own business’

13 May 2016 - 0     - 3105

Palani Digambaram, the leader of the National Union of Workers (NUW) and the Up-country New...

Climate change, floods and landslides

13 May 2016 - 0     - 1970

The shifting and unpredictable weather pattern is the most talked about topic today, especially in Sri...

Listen to the Indian Ocean, undercurrents of a submarine war

06 May 2016 - 0     - 2838

On October 31, 2014, a Chinese submarine and a warship arrived at the Colombo Port. As the calm...

EDITORIAL : Let NMRA work independently

06 May 2016 - 0     - 2207

During this World Media Freedom Week, President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil...

Do we need this kind of a May Day ?

06 May 2016 - 0     - 1910

Had one compared the enthusiasm on this year’s May Day shown by the two factions of the Sri...

What’s the best answer? The Jurassic Parks of Print Regulations

06 May 2016 - 0     - 2012

With several celebrations taking place to mark the International World Press Freedom Day, media...

Why we shouldn’t be surprised if Packer makes a little jaunt to Colombo

06 May 2016 - 0     - 2163

Joint opposition lawmaker Weerakumara Dissanayake on Wednesday told journalists that Australian...

Saudi-US marriage on the rocks, but no divorce

29 Apr 2016 - 0     - 3510

The snub President Barak Obama received at the Riyadh airport when he arrived for a regional summit...

Editorial : Hidden chemical war in Sri Lanka

29 Apr 2016 - 0     - 2191

With some terrorist groups and even countries resorting to the barbarism of chemical warfare and the...

Complications and hazards of the wigneswaran resolution

29 Apr 2016 - 0     - 2180

The resolution that was adopted by the Northern Provincial Council last Friday has opened a political...

TNA’s suicidal path to Federalism

29 Apr 2016 - 0     - 2193

Before we examine the action and events originated by the Tamil leadership of Sri Lanka that defined...

‘Sinha’ in many facets

29 Apr 2016 - 1     - 2700

No argument that he was “The Guru” for many new comers to cinema or to television. Everyone...