Sun, 07 Jul 2024 Today's Paper

Murali-Vaas Trophy encounter ends in draw

1 March 2023 11:53 pm - 0     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The Inter School Under 19 cricket encounter between St. Anthony's College and St. Joseph's College ended in a draw at Katugastota on Wednesday.

Antonians continuing from their day one score went on to score 177 for 7 before declaring. In reply the Joes made a bold reply.

The day's play only resumed at 2.30 pm  due to heavy overnight rain delaying the start.

St. Anthony's 177 for 7 Dec in 71.1 overs (Induruwa Galapitage 54, Lahiru Abeysinghe 41 Ravindu Kapukotuwa 18, Muditha Dissanayake 2 for 31, Lahiru Amarasekera 2 for 81)

St. Joseph's 36 for 3 in 7 overs


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