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Apparel industrialists calls for a probe on attack on a foreign investor

3 April 2023 12:00 am 0 Bookmark

  • The group had illegally entered the factory and broken into the residence of the Managing Director
  • We call on law enforcement authorities to act swiftly and take prompt action to uphold the rule of law and take the instigators of the attack into custody.

The Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) which condemned the attack on two persons which included the Managing Director of an apparel factory in Halpe, Katana, called for an immediate inquiry into the incident.  The Managinig Director of the factory identified as a businessman from Oman had been on an observation visit to Sri Lanka. 

 A group of individuals had launched a vicious and heinous attack on the Managing Director and a security official of the apparel factory in Halpe, Katana last week.   

The group had illegally entered the factory and broken into the residence of the Managing Director, the JAAF said in a statement issued in this regard.   

Deeming the incident a ‘cowardly attack’, the JAAF called for an impartial investigation into the matter, adding that the relevant officials in charge must take swift legal action.   

“As the apex body of the apparel industry, we condemn such acts of violence. We call on law enforcement authorities to act swiftly and take prompt action to uphold the rule of law and take the instigators of this attack into custody. We empathize with those affected by the incident and request that the matter be allowed to reach a peaceful resolution in accordance with the laws of the land”, a release issued by the JAAF statement said. 

  •  We empathize with those affected by the incident and request that the matter be allowed to reach a peaceful resolution in accordance with the laws of the land

It is a body comprising companies such as Amazon, Apple,, Expedia Group, Google, GoTo, Grab, LINE, LinkedIn, Meta, Rakuten, X and Yahoo.

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