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No national government - Sajith

19 April 2023 12:00 am 0 Bookmark

Calls for a snap poll 

  • Accuses media and government of spreading falsehood

By Yohan Perera   

Samagi Jana balawegaya (SJB) will not be a part of a national government with those who do not have a mandate,  Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa said yesterday. 

“The present government and the President are carrying out a Hitler type campaign to fool the people by spreading falsehood with regard to a national government. This is just like what Hitler using Joseph Goebbels did during the World War 2. President and the government are spreading falsehood by using those who identify themselves as journalists. Neither the SJB as a whole or any individual MP would join to form a national government,” Premadasa said in a special statement.   

“We would call for a snap general or a presidential election. If not we appeal to the government to hold the local government election to determine the pulse of the people. We would consider joining in forming a national government if the people give a signal to that effect,” he added. 

“Some media institutions are publishing falsehood in exchange for rewards,” he also said.   
This is the second special statement made by Mr. Premadasa rejecting any move to join the government within a course of three weeks.

  • This is the second statement made by Mr. Premadasa rejecting any move to join the government within a course of three weeks


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