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A classic case for confirming validity of yogas and Dasa system

Horoscope of Gautama Buddha
3 April 2021 01:03 am 0 Bookmark


Jupiter, Yogakaraka in the 10th House signifies the Buddha’s intellectual eminence, integrity, noble disposition, and high attainments. 

Rajayogas indicate the high political and social power and influence the Buddha wielded.

Five planets in one sign (Aries) point to a Sramana or Pravrujya Yoga – a yoga that led him to the renunciation of the worldly pleasures and comforts. 


The Buddha embarks on the mission of propagating the Four-fold Noble Truth He uncovered during the Maha Dasa period of Venus. Here, the reader may recall Venus in association with Jupiter conferred a Rajayoga on the Buddha


The Sun, the royal planet exalted in the 10th House indicates the father’s powerful political position as a ruler of a kingdom. 

The Moon being posited in the 4th House in a sign hostile to the Moon- Libra ruled by Venus aspected by Saturn predicts the   death of mother soon after his birth. 

Saturn in the 10th Karmasthana indicates the Buddha’s stature as a great philosopher. 

Timing of events of the Buddha’s life by Dasa system
Prince Siddhartha was born was in the major period of Jupiter. This accounts for his living in the lap of luxury.  He marries at the age of sixteen at the tail end of Jupiter’s major Dasa at the onset of Saturn’s Antar Dasa in his Jupiter’s major Dasa. He enters the Antar Dasa of Mars, Putrasthanadhipati – the lord of the 5th House at the age of 30 and he is blessed with a child. He comes under the Antar Dasa of Rahu soon after and he leaves the palace leaving behind wife and child to seek the Truth.  Thereafter, he undergoes rigors of extreme asceticism for six long years.

Gautama Siddhartha , the Seeker after Truth attains Great Enlightenment  soon after coming  under the influence of Antar Dasa of Jupiter in the Maha Dasa of Mercury, the planet representing intellect and intelligence who is the lord of the Mokshasthana- the 12th  House. Mercury, incidentally, is conjunct with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom in the 5th House of the Navamshaka Chart.

The Buddha embarks on the mission of propagating the Four-fold Noble Truth He uncovered during the Maha Dasa period of Venus.  Here, the reader may recall Venus in association with Jupiter conferred a Rajayoga on the Buddha. 

The Buddha attained Parinibbana at the age of 80 during the Antar Dasa of Mars in the major period of the Sun. The Sun had become a Maraka as the lord of the 2nd and the 7th Houses from the Lagna and the Moon sign respectively. 

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