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Basics for judgement of a female horoscope

5 June 2021 12:00 am 0 Bookmark

If there is a benefic planet in the 7th House in a female horoscope and he is aspected by another benefic, she would be greatly loved by her husband


Horoscope determines whether she would be: 

A celebrity A great beauty A virtuous person An erudite scholar with oratorical skills A quarrelsome person or the cause of early death of her husband


Students of Astrology are always advised not to make predictions after a superficial examination of a horoscope and are also advised to reach conclusions following an in-depth study of the strengths and weaknesses of the Rashis, planets and their Shadvargas. This advice – a general rule for that matter- holds good for making predictions in general. Given the significance of this general rule, we hope that our readers would be interested in familiarizing themselves with the basics which should be borne in mind when judging a female horoscope. They are as follows:


  •  If there is a benefic planet in the 7th House in a female horoscope and he is aspected by another benefic, she would be greatly loved by her husband.
  •  If the Sun  aspected by malefics  is posited in the 7th House, she would eternally quarrel with her husband. 
  •  A female would not have an attractive figure if the Lagna and the sign where the Moon is posited are inimical and they are occupied by malefic planets aspected by other malefic planets.
  •  If an exalted Mercury is in the 7th house, Mars in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer while being aspected by Jupiter or Venus, the subject would be a virtuous woman who would live like a queen after being married to a great person. 
  •  Husband would not live long  when Mars and Saturn  occupy the 7th House  from the Leo sign  while the Moon is  debilitated  in the 7th House from the Lagna.
  •  A female born when Mercury is exalted in the 7th  House would become an  erudite scholar with oratorical skills.
  •  A female born when Jupiter is exalted  in the 7th House , would be a very virtuous person obedient to husband.
  •  A female born when Venus is exalted  in the 7th House would be a  great lover of fine and aesthetic arts like dancing, music and painting and would be a source of immense delight  and comfort to her husband.
  •  A female born when Saturn is exalted in the 7th House, would marry a wealthy person.
  •  If a female is born when Rahu is exalted in the 7th House, she would be the wife of a very powerful person.
  •  A female having the Moon in Cancer or in any other sign  well associated with Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter,  would be a great beauty capable of enchanting even great persons.
  •  A female born when Mars is in Capricorn and Jupiter in Pisces would marry a celebrity and would occupy a place of honor in the society.
  •  Husband would not live long if Sun, Saturn, and Mars occupy the Lagna or the the 7th  House.                     

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