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Madyayu – death between 32 and 75 years

15 May 2021 12:00 am 0 Bookmark


We have discussed in two previous articles the planetary combinations that cause Balarishta (death between birth and 8 years) and Alpayu (death between 8 and 31 years). We have already discussed in a separate article the planetary combinations that nullify Balarishta Yogas. 

In this article we propose to familiarize our readership with planetary combinations that cause death between 32 and 75 years. 


  • Madyayu is indicated when the lord of the 3rd or the 6th House occupies a Kendra.
  • A person gets Madyayu if at least two of the lords of the 8th, 10th, and the 11th Houses and of the Lagna are powerful.
  • Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 2nd, 3rd and the 11th Houses confer Madyayu.
  • A person gets Madyayu if all planets occupy the Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th Houses. 
  • A person dies in the 36th year when the Sun is posited in the Lagna hemmed in by two malefics with no beneficial aspects.
  • The death occurs at the age of 46 when the birth lord is in the 6th or the 8th House with malefics without the aspect of benefics.
  • The death comes at the age of 51 if Saturn is in the Lagna, the Moon is in the 8th or the 12th House and the other planets in the 11th House. 
  • The death occurs at the age of 57 due to heart attack or tragic circumstances while engaged in political activity if Scorpio is the Lagna with Jupiter posited in it and Mars and Rahu are in the 8th House. 
  • If the lord of the 8th is in the 7th and the Moon is afflicted the death occurs at the 58th year.
  • If the Lagna arises with Saturn in it, the Moon in the 4th, Mars in the 7th and Rahu in the 10th while Jupiter, Venus and mercury are occupying unfavorable Houses, the death comes at the age of 60.                                           
  • If the Lagna is Aries, all evil planets are in the quadrants and Jupiter is in the 8th, the native would live up to 60 years of age. 
  • A life span of 60 years is assured if Mars and mercury are in quadrants, Venus is in the Lagna and exalted planets occupy the 3rd and the 11th Houses. 
  • 70 years of age is conferred if benefic planets occupy the quadrants, while none of them aspect the Lagna and with evil planets aspecting the lord of the Lagna.
  • A person lives up to 70 years of age, if Mars is in the 5th and Sun is in the 7th with Saturn debilitated. 
  • Benefics in Kendras and trines with Saturn powerful confer 75 years of age.

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