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Medical experts, professionals demand President, PM, Cabinet to resign forthwith

12 July 2022 12:05 am 0 Bookmark

 Pressure groups have also stressed that the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet will be responsible for any injuries to the people or in the event there is bloodshed 
(pic by Pradeep Dilrukshana)

  • Many healthcare personnel, including doctors, have not been able to report for duty due to the prevailing fuel crisis


The aggravating fuel shortage and the unavailability of public transport compelled several professional bodies to demand the resignation of the incumbent President with immediate effect. Following the events that transpired on July 9, medical experts and professionals have once again reiterated the fact that the President should offer his resignation in writing and make way to bring about stability in governance. 

The pressure groups have also stressed that the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet will be responsible for any injuries to the people or in the event there is bloodshed. 

Hospitals unable to handle mass casualties: SLMA 

While condemning the clashes between security forces and protesters which resulted in at least 30 people being hospitalised on July 9, the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) issuing a statement has categorically pointed out that the health services in the country are functioning on the barest of minimal resources. 

“If there are mass casualties during these protest campaigns, as a result of the use of tear gas and other forms of deterrent control, the hospital services will not be able to handle them. Many healthcare personnel, including doctors, have not been able to report for duty due to the prevailing fuel crisis. If injured people die or are permanently maimed, the President, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the entire governing establishment would necessarily have to be held responsible. The blood that’s shed will be on their hands.

“The vital and immediate need for the government is to heed the uniform cry of the people, the academia, the intelligentsia and professional organizations in the country, for the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers to resign forthwith and hand over the reins of governing the country to an all-party government which would command at least some respect of the people. The current regime is despised by all,” the statement read. 

President should resign immediately: Direction 
Sri Lanka 

Echoing similar sentiments, Direction Sri Lanka, a group comprising professionals in various sectors, has expressed concern over the situation in the country. 

“There is instability and it is of paramount importance that the new governance status quo is established immediately. In this respect, Direction Sri Lanka calls upon the President to forthwith resign in writing by communication addressed to the Speaker as required by the Constitution and make way for the re-establishment of stability in governance. 

Direction Sri Lanka cannot comprehend as to why the President has decided to resign on a prospective date, i.e. July 13, 2022, and if there is any legitimate reason for the same it is the incumbent duty of the President to explain the same to the people of Sri Lanka and to duly resign on July 13, 2022. Any failure to do so would create much unrest across the country and one does not need to state the obvious that the peoples’ protest would then gather even more vigour and effort and this would not be in the interest of the country. 

In the meantime, Direction Sri Lanka also calls upon the Prime Minister and the Government to resign and make way for the constitution of a Multi-Party Government as called for by the people.

The statement further said that any delay in the above would only precipitate the present state of uncertainty and instability and delay the work that is required for the economy to recover. 

It is a body comprising companies such as Amazon, Apple,, Expedia Group, Google, GoTo, Grab, LINE, LinkedIn, Meta, Rakuten, X and Yahoo.

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