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Sri Lanka Malay Association Celebrates Heroes Day

29 March 2023 12:01 am 0 Bookmark

The Sri Lankan Malays, to date are identified as a ‘Martial Race’, mainly because of their immense service and sacrifice towards the country, especially during the pre-independence era.   
In remembrance of this great gesture by their ancestors, the Sri Lanka Malay Association (SLMA) celebrated Heroes Day 2023 last Sunday (March 19) at the Padang Complex Auditorium with Gen. Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff gracing this milestone event as the chief guest.   
The gathering remembered the Malays who sacrificed their lives protecting the sovereignty of the country and to all those personnel of the Tri-Forces and Police who gallantly laid down their lives.   

The President of the SLMA, Rilwan Lantra addressing the gathering, mentioned as to how obliged they are to the state for having recognized the seniors of their community and appointing them to high positions.   
A few of them who were present at the occasion were, Maj Gen. (Rtd.) Royslan Sallay, Maj. Gen.(Rtd.) Suraj Bangsajayah, a very senior member Rtd. Brig. Kumban Bohoran and Rtd. Dy. Commander of STF Faizal Hadgie.   
Also present were Wing Commander Ershad Muthaliph who had returned recently from the US after a professional military education training session.   
In his speech he stated that the Malays were recognized as a trustworthy and a martial race.   

The SLMA has focused on social services, helping the less-privileged in society and enhancing the awareness of its culture and living in harmony with all communities.   
The SLMA said that the Heroes Day was inaugurated to seek blessings for the members of their community who laid down their lives for the country.   
The event has been held every year coinciding with Poppy Day.   
This year is special because it coincides with the Centenary of the SLMA and the 150th year of the Colombo Malay Cricket Club (Chrishalle Augustin).   

It is a body comprising companies such as Amazon, Apple,, Expedia Group, Google, GoTo, Grab, LINE, LinkedIn, Meta, Rakuten, X and Yahoo.

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