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Sri Lankans in USA throw weight behind people’s struggle

4 May 2022 02:12 am 0 Bookmark

Protest in Ohio


‘Stand in Solidarity with Sri Lanka’ a USA wide protest organised by the Sri Lankan Student Collective in the United States along with U. S citizens and Permanent Residents successfully concluded on May 1. The main objective of the protest was to demand the immediate resignation of the incumbent government which they claim is corrupt. The protest also aimed at raising awareness among the international communities regarding the crisis situation. 
Thousands of Sri Lankans in the United States participated at the protest and signed letters which were sent to U.S Senators and Congressmen requesting them to call upon the U.S Congress, Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Attorney General, FinCEN, U.S Customs and Border Protection, IRS and other relevant agencies to conduct immediate investigations on the questionable and potentially illegal financial activities of the following: 
  • Gotabaya Rajapaksa 
  • Basil Rajapaksa 
  • Rajapaksa family members 
  • Close associates of Rajapaksa family who are U. S citizens residing in California 
‘GotaGoGama’ branches were spotted across 50 states in the U.S while protesters chanted slogans demanding the resignation of the Rajapaksa family. A few protesters expressed their views as follows:
"GotaGoGama’ branches were spotted across 50 states in the U.S while protesters chanted slogans demanding the resignation of the Rajapaksa family"
“Those in power should abide by the law”
One protester from Austin said that all politicians should resign. “People misusing the state law including the Attorney General should step down. Every politician should be audited. The minimum education and professional qualifications should be evaluated and all those who come to power should be law abiding individuals.”
"As patriotic citizens of Sri Lanka, we are concerned by the ripple effects that this ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis will have throughout the economy and future progress of our country. We are seeking long term solutions that will bring sustainable change for future generations - A statement issued by the organizers in view of the protest"
“Time to support local businesses in Sri Lanka”
Another protester from Austin said that they will extend their support to local businesses in Sri Lanka and that people shouldn’t allow politicians to have their way around. “We are always with you,” he added. 
“From developing to a bankrupt nation”
A protester from New Mexico USA gave a detailed account of the situation in Sri Lanka. She said that children in Sri Lanka are unable to attend school and therefore they don’t have a way of obtaining meals. “Sri Lanka is in a very bad situation. The Rajapaksa family, current President, Prime Minister- who was the former President- should get out of politics. They have ruined a country that was in the height of its development. Tourism was very successful, there were good development projects, but because of commissions they led the country towards bankruptcy. We along with the rest of the Sri Lankan community ask them 
to resign.”
"Stand in Solidarity with Sri Lanka’ a USA wide protest organised by the Sri Lankan Student Collective in the United States along with US citizens and Permanent Residents successfully concluded on May 1"
“We will continue the fight until Easter attack victims are served justice”
“I lost many of my relatives and friends during the Easter Sunday bombings,” said a protester from Washington DC. “Then the Cardinal said that we needed a leader with a spine. But to date, there has been no proper investigation done regarding the Katuwapitiya bombing. They are passing the ball from one court to another. We will continue this fight from USA until the victims are served justice”. 
“Independent investigation on Easter attacks a must”
Another protester from Washington added that it was a planned attack for them to return to power. “They will never probe into it unless an independent investigation is done perhaps by an international organization.”
A statement issued by the organizers in view of the protest states that until April 3, 2022 the Rajapaksa family had control of nearly 70% of the island’s budget and engaged in massive borrowing from foreign resources, despite which the country’s wealth deteriorated to unprecedented levels. Recently published Pandora and Panama Papers revealed that the Rajapaksa family and their close associates are involved in anonymous offshore trusts and shell companies to store secretive and fraudulently obtained assets in Virgin Island, Seychelles, Dubai and St. Martin. 
“As expatriates living in the U.S, we will strive to bring the culprits who destroyed our mother nation to justice. As patriotic citizens of Sri Lanka, we are concerned by the ripple effects that this ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis will have throughout the economy and future progress of our country. We are seeking long term solutions that will bring sustainable change for future generations,” the statement further read.

It is a body comprising companies such as Amazon, Apple,, Expedia Group, Google, GoTo, Grab, LINE, LinkedIn, Meta, Rakuten, X and Yahoo.

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