Sun, 07 Jul 2024

A blood transfusion to the ailing ‘elephant’!

7 June 2022 11:59 pm 0 Bookmark

The Green party high-ups are said to be engaged in a major exercise to woo the defected Diyawanna members in a bid to rejuvenate the party currently reduced to an effete political entity. 


Their plan is to win back into the party Diyawanna members who defected to join the Telephone alliance by offering them high positions in the government. In fact, it was with this aim that they have already hooked two young Telephone alliance members, they say. 

They have reportedly asked the young duo to woo as many Telephone party colleagues as possible with the promise of high positions in the government as part of the plan to win them back into the Green party eventually. 

This exercise by the Green party high-ups is said to be analogous to killing two birds with one stone: strengthening the new government while giving a new lease of life to the party weakened over the years, they say.       

It is a body comprising companies such as Amazon, Apple,, Expedia Group, Google, GoTo, Grab, LINE, LinkedIn, Meta, Rakuten, X and Yahoo.

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