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25 July 2023 04:00 pm - 0     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Perhaps the fundamental thing about the Uva result is that it demonstrates that the fundamentally democratic system --most importantly the electoral mechanism and the Commission of Elections-- is working, notwithstanding the incidents of coercive electioneering.

The Uva election achieved certain things but not others.
The Americans, as always, have a phrase for it: “close but no cigar”, which means good work, but not quite good enough to win the prize of victory.
That is true of the Opposition’s creditable performance, which however fell short of victory.  Any government anywhere in the world would be grimly satisfied with the narrow win it achieved despite twenty years of incumbency.

Thanks to two or three young politicians—Harin Fernando, Sajith Premadasa and arguably Anura Kumara Dissanayake—and the self-inflicted wounds of the power-bloc, the hegemony of the regime is diminished, the country’s two-party system restored, the UNP back in contention as a respectable Opposition, and most importantly the political marketplace restored to competitiveness.

What happened in Uva is not what happened in the North, but was a weak approximation, in that the principle is the same.
In the North, the post-war model of regime hegemony was de-legitimised by massive voter rejection.  
In Uva it was obviously not rejected, but it was certainly called into question, permitting the “model” a narrow victory.

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  • Zaza Thursday, 20 April 2023 12:51 AM

    All the issues raised by Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP relating to the cause of the bankruptcy of Sri Lanka have arisen because of the Political System we have which in turn came out of the Electoral System. We have one of the most hilarious political systems in the world. The President we have today is the most powerful President in the world and comes only second to God. We lived it, we suffered it yet cannot get rid of it. The elect system is equally hilarious. We vote for a man we do not know, having voted win, or lose he can be in the parliament and even can reach to top and from top he can call the shots. Nominated MPs are a comedy of errors. They switch sides for financial rewards and/or positions. How Mr. Dhammika Perera walked into the Parliament is a mystery. Under these systems Executive arms of the Legislature became a slave, Judiciary was thoroughly shaken. Accountability, Transparency, Meritocracy totally faded away. LET US HAVE A SYSTEM CHANGE. THINK! THINK!!

    Quolp Thursday, 20 April 2023 01:01 AM

    The United States will never confess the economic crisis to which they themselves are the conspirators to bring Sri Lanka to Bankrupt situation.

    Chumley Pinto Thursday, 20 April 2023 02:48 AM

    Why not start with SJB mps

    Jude Thursday, 20 April 2023 08:01 AM

    All 225 members responsible for the economic crisis, period, yeah!

    Jude Thursday, 20 April 2023 08:14 AM

    Hey SJB members at some point of time you guys were members of ruling government And you guys are partly responsible for the economic crisis!!

    Jude Thursday, 20 April 2023 08:22 AM

    Hey SJB you guys formerly known as unpers we're enjoying the Souverign Bonds money, wIth too much of Borrowing eventually led to country been declared BANKRUPT. Don't pretend that you guys have no part in this economic crisis!!

    Jude Thursday, 20 April 2023 08:28 AM

    Hey SJB you guys have a very weak leader however you GUYS will be wiped out at the next general elections!! And so is SLFP and SLPP, don't worry about UNP they're already down to one!! Same fate awaits you guys!!

    Jude Thursday, 20 April 2023 08:33 AM

    Hey SJB you guys think you can erase the memory of all lankans!! Hello, you guys are formerly known as unpers you guys too responsible for the debacle, yeah!!

    Dhusana Thursday, 20 April 2023 11:29 AM

    How can you expect any true investigations about the Bribe when the one who is initiating this is the notorious DEALDASA ?

    Ranjith Thursday, 20 April 2023 12:10 PM

    We don't need a national government but we need the young parliamentarians to take over the government and presidency we need a new political system and a culture get rid of the politicians over 60 irrespective of their political party.

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