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“I handed over a peaceful country to set out on a journey of hope and prosperity” - Maithripala Sirisena

3 January 2023 12:10 am 23 Bookmark

The Dailymirror had a candid interaction with former President Maithripala Sirisena on his presidency, up and downs of his political career and the current political and socio-economic mess in the country.


Q Coming from a rural background and a humble beginning, you conquered the entire political spectrum of this country in a relatively short period of time and became the Executive President in 2015 after becoming an MP in 1989. In a retrospective narrative how do you explain your ups and downs as a politician in all these years?

By the time I was elected as the 6th Executive President on January 9, 2015, I had been a member of the SLFP for 47 years and General Secretary of the SLFP for 14 years. The country was in dire straits. The entire country was crumbling domestically and globally in all spheres. Law and order were in tatters, the corruption, theft, waste and mismanagement in the entire governance were present. Sri Lanka was in the grip of one family and going down a fathomless precipice steadily. The SLFP under my leadership joined with the UNP, won the presidential poll and formed the ‘yahapalana’ government.  

The Rajapaksas spread absolute lies and fabrications during the presidential election campaign to hoodwink voters saying that if someone else won there was a possibility of military officers and Rajapaksas who saved the country from separatist terrorism would be taken to the electric chair. In doing so, the Rajapaksa regime offended our closest friend, neighbour and regional power India and also the international community. President Mahinda Rajapaksa Promised 13+ to External Affairs Minister of India S.M.Krishna and UN Secretary General Ban – ki – Moon in 2009 when he visited Sri Lanka soon after the war victory.


One of my first acts after becoming President was to spread 90% of the cover of the cigarette packet with pictures of cancer to 90%

I, as President won the confidence of the global community by changing this situation. I was invited for state visits by Russia, Germany, Iran, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Qatar and other powerful countries. I signed about 400 agreements during these state visits to obtain assistance from those countries and to develop not only the economy, industry or bilateral trade and exports but culture, environment and tourism.  I don’t know where these agreements are today. Russia even asked me to hand them the Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector and in 3 years they would transform it into one of the most developed agro-based industries in the region. Sadly, I was subjected to merciless attacks by a section of the government, the opposition and the media. I think I was attacked in this manner because I came from a very humble and ordinary family background. But I was able to restore stability and progress despite this leg pulling. There was no food scarcity, price hike of commodities, skyrocketing of COL, sharp breakdown of law and order, suppression of media freedom and open infringement of multiple rights of the people etc. as you are experiencing today. I handed over a peaceful country to set out on a journey of hope and prosperity to Rajapaksas in 2019 and within a year they have turned Sri Lanka into a hell on earth.

QYou have in many instances said that the late leader of the SLFP and Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike helped you in many ways in your formative years in politics that eventually helped you to become the SLFP leader and the head of state. Can you elaborate?

I joined the SLFP in 1967 as a supporter of then SLFP parliamentarian of Polonnaruwa, Leelaratne Wijesinghe. I got closed to Mrs. Bandaranaike during the general election campaign in 1970. When Madam Bandaranaike visited Polonnaruwa for the election campaign, I also addressed the SLFP meetings as a student. After one of these meetings, probably impressed by my speech, she instructed me to join the SLFP youth league and work with Anura. I told her, I wanted to continue my studies, but would join Anura in due course. A few days later, Anura , on the advice of Madam, had sent me a letter instructing me to come to Colombo and meet him. When I went to Rosemead Place, Madam told Anura to recruit me to the SLFP youth league as I had promising qualities and leadership potential. In 1972, the annual convention of the SLFP youth league was held at the Kandy Buddhist Center. I was invited. There after Anura started calling me for important meetings of the youth league. However, by 1977, there were internal conflicts in the SLFP. Mothers, sons, daughters, sons-in-law and their factions had a plethora of infights. New political parties and alliances were formed and newspapers printed. Madam Bandaranaike’s civic rights were stripped. Her children rebelled against her. But I remained loyal to her. Interestingly, all these newly formed alliances and political parties strayed off course. I held a huge ‘Bodhi Puja’ in Polonnaruwa to bless her.  After these difficult years came the election for 18 constituencies in 1983 and the Parliamentary polls in 1989. The SLFP had difficulties to find 8 candidates for the nomination list for the Polonnaruwa District in 1989 because the JVP had launched a massive reign of terror. The north of the country was gripped by the LTTE and south by the JVP. No one had guts to do the election campaign openly. The General Secretary of the SLFP Ratnasiri Wickramanayake told Mrs. Bandaranaike that he had only seven candidates and needed one more for the nomination list. Then, Mrs. Bandaranaike told him that she had a ‘good guy’ to fill the list and he also could throw money into the SLFP campaign. Mrs. Bandaranaike was referring to Ariyawansa Dissanayaka and nominated him for Polonnaruwa’s SLFP list. The ruling UNP won 4 seats. There was not a single vote cast in 43 ballot boxes. The JVP had launched a killing spree in the district and had pitched battles with the armed forces and the police. The election was held on February 15, 1989. After ballots were counted, only I had won out of SLFP’s 8 candidates in Polonnaruwa. President Premadasa had been assassinated by the LTTE. Meanwhile, Mrs. Chandrika Kumaratunga came from London, contested and won the Western Provincial Council Elections and became the Chief Minister in May, 1993. In August, 1994 she took over the SLFP leadership. I was appointed the deputy minister of irrigation after Mrs. Kumaratunga formed a government. In 1997, I was appointed as the cabinet Minister of Mahawali Development. I have served as the Minister of Mahaweli Development for more than 17 years on and off. No other cabinet Minister has served in one portfolio for such a long time. During that period I introduced carbonic fertilizer to Mahweli farmers without difficulty.


When the Moragahakanda project was launched, Mahinda told me that not a rupee was available for the project

After the electoral victory of the UPFA in alliance with the JVP in April, 2, 2004, the JVP who had won 40 seats proposed to appoint Lakshman Kadirgamar as the Prime Minister.

I was asleep at home after a hectic election campaign. President Chandika rang me up and asked me ‘are you still at home. Aren’t you coming to Colombo’. I said ‘no’ as I was very tired. Then she said she would send me a chopper within an hour. When I arrived and visited the Presidential Secretariat, a discussion was in progress. Lakshman Kadirgamar, S.B.Dissanayaka, and Secretary to the President K. Balapatabendi were seated with President Chandrika at the table. She asked me who was going to be nominated for the Prime Minister’s post. I passed the ball over to her and said ‘whoever is your choice madam, we agree’. Then she said the JVP had sent a letter nominating Kadirgamar for the post as he was the most suitable person among the lot with his academic qualifications and acceptance by all communities as a person who could promote inter communal harmony. However, in case there was any disagreement because Kadirgamar was a Tamil their second choice was Anura. If there was a protest against Anura because he was Chandrika’s brother, the JVPs third choice was me for the premiership. She gave me JVP’s letter. I read it and said the SLFP has won the majority of seats. There was a notion among SLFP voters during the election campaign that if the UPFA won the election, Mahinda should be appointed as PM, so Mahinda must be appointed as Prime Minister. Then, Chandrika said that the JVP wanted Kadirgamar as PM as their politburo had decided so. I protested saying that there would be a major split within the SLFP if Mahinda was not given the premiership; therefore he must be appointed as PM. Then Kadirgamar said to reconsider the JVP’s request and left.  After he left, Chandrika told me and Balapatabendi to go to Kadirgamar’s residence and explain the situation to him. We told him that he was going to be appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. As a true gentleman he accepted it and said he was not going to talk about it any further and told us to tell Chandrika to take any decision on the issue. Afterwards, President Chandrika swore Mahinda as the PM.    
When Mahinda Rajapaksa came to contest the 2005 presidential polls from the UPFA ticket, a number of SLFP seniors as well as the newly formed UPFA sidestepped the issue. They ducked him off at the election propaganda campaign. I, as SLFP General Secretary issued letters to coordinating secretaries of the SLFP in all districts to support him. Chandika, the outgoing President, was dead against Mahinda.

QAs a political leader who emerged from the farming community, one of your goals was to make sure farmers of Rajarata received ample water uninterrupted round the year. You launched the Moragahakanda Multipurpose Development Project (MMDP) as the Minister of Agriculture and Mahaweli Development in 2007. There was a huge people participation at the opening ceremony. However, afterwards you were removed and planted at the Health Ministry. Isn’t there an untold story behind this move by the Rajapaksa brothers?

Yes. I came to Colombo on January 26. On the 27th President Rajapaksa made a cabinet reshuffle. When the Moragahakanda project was launched, Mahinda told me that not a rupee was available for the project, but he would come to lay the foundation stone because I invited him. Afterwards I started work with funds from the Mahaweli Authority. There was a massive crowd at the ceremony. I was summoned by President Rajapaksa to Temple Trees to discuss the reshuffle as I was SLFP General Secretary. I went upstairs where late Mangala Samaraweera, Nimal Siripala De Silva and Rohitha Bogillagama were seated with the President. When I sat down Mahinda started talking about the appointment of a new Prime Minister and added that a relatively youngster person had to be given the post and looked at me hinting that I was the most suitable person.     

It was in 1994 that I first entered the jungle that covers the development area of Moragahakanda as the deputy Minister of Agriculture. In 1995 I once again inspected the jungle together with late Engineer, Prof. A.N.S. Kulasinghe. He showed me the venue where at the dam, the reservoirs, new waterways and power stations were proposed to be built. Ratnasiri Wickremanayaka was appointed as PM. When I checked the list of ministers to be appointed, I found that I had been removed from the Ministries of Mahaweli Development and Environment.  I had been given the Agriculture portfolio. Then I asked how I could return to Polonnaruwa in a dignified manner after laying the foundation stone for the Moragahakanda project a few days ago if I was removed from the Mahaweli Development and Agriculture portfolios. I demanded the Mahaweli Development. Basil refused as it had already been given to Chamal Rajapaksa. I also told them that it was I who started the MMD and it was my dream. Mahinda finally told Basil to give it back to me. Then on the following morning I took oaths as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Agriculture. The initial cost of the MMDP was Rs. 23 billion. Not a rupee was given by the government to the project. I had to leave the government owing to these mistreatments.                                          
QIs this the first incident that you were disenchanted and lost confidence in the Rajapaksas?

No. It was in 2007, when I was serving as the Minister of Agriculture, Mahaweli Development and Environment. Ministry Secretary Saranapala came to my residence with a stack of files to get my signature. I had told him to visit my home in the morning before I leave for office if there were any files for immediate approval. When I was perusing the files, there was a file of a tender. I questioned the secretary. He told me it was from Basil and wanted my signature. I asked the secretary how many ministers were looking after affairs of my ministry and refused to sign it. There were a few others who had come to my residence and they heard this and informed Basil. Since 2007 President Mahinda and Basil started to ignore me and were hostile to me.


If Sajith accepted the premiership Sri Lanka may not have had to face the current predicament it is in

When I was Health Minister I proposed to cover 90% of the face of a packet of cigarettes with pictures of oral and lung cancer in accordance with WHO guidelines. Mahinda refused saying that it would be a blow to tourism and asked me to bring down the cover to 40% in front of representatives of cigarette companies. I was adamant. Then the President told us to get it settled in courts. Cigarette companies filed a case against me and the courts gave the verdict to cover 60% of the packed with health warnings. One of my first acts after becoming President was to spread 90% of the cover of the cigarette packet with pictures of cancer to 90%.

QThe Rajapaksa Government failed to allocate funds to the US$ 675 million project?

Yes, no funds were approved. I arranged with JICA to fund the project, but the government rejected it. When I became the President in 2015, Nimal was the Minister of Mahaweli Development. He had obtained a loan from China and 10% of work had been completed. I changed the entire set up and told the staff to complete the project within 3 years. We completed the construction of MMDP.

QYou served as a cabinet minister under President Kumaratunga and President Mahinda Rajapaksa for several years overseeing Mahaweli Development, Agriculture, Environment, Health and finally Defence as the head of state. What portfolio did you enjoy the most?

Agriculture and Health.

QOne of the most damaging and short sighted acts you committed as the Executive President was the decision taken to sack PM Ranil and replace him with Mahinda on October 26, 2018 which was a clear contravention of the Constitution and the people’s mandate. Who instructed you to do it?

It was not a decision taken by me singlehandedly. A large number of UNP and SLFP members in the ‘yahapalana’ government urged me to fire Ranil. When the controversies were building up between me and Ranil, I invited Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to take up the PM’s post. He refused. I spoke to Sajith Premadasa several times. He also flatly rejected this post. Then I told UNP and SLFP Ministers and MPs who wanted to remove Ranil that whoever replaces the Premier must be from the UNP. Both groups told me to invite Mahinda to accept the premiership; which I did. This was what happened.

QThe IMF approved an Extended Fund Facility (EFF) of US$ 1.5 billion to the ‘yahapalana’ government in 2016. The current regime after a lengthy staff level discussion came to an agreement to obtain an EFF of 2.9 billion US$ during a duration of 48 months in late August. After almost 4 months, there is no sign of any financial assistance from the global financial body up to now. Why?

I don’t think the IMF would grant this EFF worth US$ 2.9 billion in the near future as it depends on the restructuring of the massive external credit package obtained from China, India and Japan – our biggest creditors.  

QThe country has got trapped in a fathomless precipice of unprecedented economic, social and political mess, lawlessness, suppression of media, right for peaceful protests and dissent and various other rights of the people guaranteed under the Constitution under the watch of President Wickremesinghe.  How do you see this precarious situation in our country?  

To expect any relief it must be from a government without the Rajapaksas. They form the biggest stumbling block globally and domestically for Sri Lanka’s progress. Therefore, a government with a new mandate from the people is the answer to these problems.   

QThe Leader of the Opposition and the SJB Sajith Premadasa, more than once, refused to accept the Premiership when you invited him. Don’t you think it was an extremely courageous and gentlemanly act in a country where politicians kill for power and stoop to unfathomable levels betraying even the country and nation to grab power?

If Sajith accepted the premiership Sri Lanka may not have had to face the current predicament it is in. If he became Prime Minister the political situation in the country during the last few years would have changed positively and people would not have experienced hardships. 

QHow is SLFP’s preparations for LG polls?

We expect to go to the LG polls as an alliance with left oriented political parties and groups that left the SLPP and those who sit in Parliament as an independent group. We have spoken to them successfully. This country has to be handed over to someone who has not stolen, not lied to the people, has a genuine feeling for the poor, down trodden and marginalised and capable of saving this country from the current political and socio-economic mess          

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