Electricity tariff revision in October: Sri Lankan consumers struggle to beat govt.’s third electric shock

Protests organized by National People Power against the latest electricity tariff hike were held across the country over the past few days


At least one hundred thousand electricity consumers in Sri Lanka have been left in the dark over the past one year as they have been unable to pay the accumulated electricity bills by the expected deadline. Sri Lanka witnessed a 70% increase in electricity tariffs over the past one year and consumers have been shocked to receive red notices which were to be addressed within 40 days. In this backdrop Sri Lanka witnessed its third electricity tariff revision for 2023 on October 21, this time a whopping 18%. This is in addition to a 66% increase in electricity tariffs implemented since February 15 and a 14% increase implemented since July 1, 2023.


Sri Lanka witnessed its third electricity tariff revision for 2023 on October 21, this time a whopping 18%


Manipulation of figures?

One of the reasons for the recent electricity tariff hike as mentioned by the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) is to cover up for the losses incurred by this institution. But, energy experts and consumer rights activists claim that the figures have been largely manipulated. “By the end of August this year, the CEB claimed that it had incurred a Rs. 54 billion loss and submitted a letter to the cabinet requesting for a tariff hike,” said Electricity Users’ Association National Secretary Sanjeewa Dhammika....

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Electricity tariff revision in October: Sri Lankan consumers struggle to beat govt.’s third electric shock

At least one hundred thousand electricity consumers in Sri Lanka have been left in the dark over the past one year as they have been unable to pay the accumulated electricity bills by the expected....

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  1. It's easy to say which system is better for people. During the 75 years of communist rule in Russia and the Soviet Union, around 60 million people perished, mainly as a result of Stalin's purges. In the 74 years of communist rule in China, around 100 million people have perished, mainly in Mao's purges. That's more people than most states have residents. So it is already an outrage towards the millions of victims in the communist dictatorships to ask which is better. democracy or dictatorship. You cannot suppress suffering people forever. The Soviet system collapsed after 75 years. In China, too, it won't be long before the dictatorial, inhuman system collapses. History is proof.

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